Looking for fun and meaningful gift ideas for Valentine’s Day? No matter if it’s for a partner, friend or family member, these easy and affordable DIY gifts are sure to impress. Think custom portraits to music playlists – there’s something for everyone.

Valentine’s Day sure can be divisive – some people love it, and other people hate it. I think what people can dislike the most is that it feels like a holiday created purely by capitalism. And while, yes, that’s probably the case, I’m a sucker and think it’s nice to have a day dedicated to celebrating all the love in your life, be it romantic, platonic or familial. I’m also a firm believer that a meaningful present does not have to be expensive, and that’s why I came up with these five easy and affordable gift ideas. These gifts are all about embracing your creativity and putting your heart on your sleeve – which one will you make?  

Portrait of your partner

If you like getting crafty, drawing a portrait of your partner is such a thoughtful gift idea for Valentine’s Day. You don’t even need to be artistically inclined, as the best portraits are the ones that capture a person’s essence, rather than their likeness. Experiment and create the portrait using your favourite medium, such as watercolours, pencils, acrylic, gouache, or digital drawing. I created a portrait for my partner for Valentine’s Day a few years ago using my iPad and the drawing app, Procreate. I found inspiration on Pinterest for the portrait style and referenced a picture of my partner as a guide. Once you have your portrait, you can frame it, turn it into a card, or even put it on stickers, t-shirts or mugs. It’s a present that’s sure to make them smile! 

Valentine's Day gift ideas cookie jar

Cookie Jar

A cookie jar is the ultimate affordable gift idea as it’s quick to make and looks so impressive. Follow my cookie jar recipe to find out how to make your own. They’re perfect for partners, parents, siblings of friends. The secret to elevating a cookie jar is with a homemade card. Make a small card with a cookie-related pun on the front, along the lines of, “We’re a batch made in heaven”, or “I’d crumble without you”. These little touches are what elevates a homemade present to something really memorable.

Valentine's Day gift idea custom Spotify playlist
DIY Valentine Gift Idea Spotify Playlist Code

Custom Spotify Playlist

Back in my day (gosh when did I become an oldie), it was the best feeling when someone made you a custom CD filled with their favourite songs. My partner made me two CDs, and to this day those songs bring me back to when we first started dating – it’s such a lovely way to create shared memories. These days, burning CDs isn’t as popular thanks to streaming services. So instead, why not create a custom Spotify playlist filled with your favourite songs that remind you of your loved one? The best part about this is that you’re not limited to 10-12 songs like you would be with a CD, as a digital playlist can be endless! Once you’ve made your playlist, you can create a “Spotify Code”, that will allow your person to easily scan and access the playlist. You can print this code onto a card, or even turn it into a keychain that they can carry with them. Here’s a tutorial on how to create a Spotify Code. As an example, I’ve included my Spotify code for the Palette Plays playlist. Simply scan in the Spotify app, using the camera in the search bar.  

Valentine's Day gift ideas propagated plants

Propagated plants

If you love plants, cuttings are a great idea as they cost little to nothing and will be a gift that keeps on giving, or should I say, growing. Cut pieces of your favourite plants in your home, my favourites to propagate are Pothos (Ivy) or Tradescantia Zebrina (Wandering Jew), and either pot them in soil or place in water. Leaving in water is the easiest and more affordable option as you won’t need to buy a pot or worry about what kind of soil to use. When propagating in water, all you need is a jar: choose from glass water bottles, mason jars or speciality made propagation stations – my favourite is from a local Wollongong small business called Cooper & Smith. If cared for, this gift will easily outlive any Valentine’s Day bouquet. 

Valentine's Gift ideas love letters

Love Letters

Things that appear simple, like love notes, are sometimes the most meaningful gift you can give to someone. This is a great gift idea for people who struggle to verbalise their emotions. It can also be presented in a variety of ways. You can write traditional letters, or fill a journal, or write a collection of handwritten love notes on pieces of paper and fill them in a glass jar – the jar can even have a theme, such as “Here are a few of my favourite things…about you!”, or “Memories of us that I cherish. You can write all the notes in one day, or write and collect them over a period of time. Put your personality into each notethe more in-jokes the better. I don’t know many people who wouldn’t appreciate a love letter it’s guaranteed to pull at heart strings.  

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